In untreated mice, E7 also induces skin tumors late in life albei

In untreated mice, E7 also induces skin tumors late in life albeit at low penetrance. These findings indicate that E7 alters cellular

functions in cervix and skin so as to predispose these organs to tumorigenesis. Using microarrays, we determined the global genes expression profile in cervical and skin tissue of young adult K14E7 transgenic mice without estrogen treatment. In these tissues, the E7 oncoprotein altered the transcriptional pattern of genes involved in several biological processes including signal transduction, transport, metabolic process, cell adhesion, apoptosis, cell differentiation, immune response and inflammatory response. Among the E7-dysregulated genes were ones not previously known to be involved in cervical neoplasia including DMBT1, GLI1 and 17 beta HSD2 in cervix, as well as MMP2, 12, 14, 19 and 27 in skin. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. ZD1839 purchase All rights reserved.”
“Background: Successful antiretroviral treatment programs in rural sub-Saharan Africa may face different challenges than programs in urban areas. The objective of this study was to identify patient characteristics, barriers to care, and treatment responses of HIV-infected children seeking care in rural Zambia.\n\nMethods: Cross-sectional analysis of HIV-infected children seeking care at Macha Hospital in rural southern Zambia. Information was collected from caretakers and medical records.\n\nResults:

192 HIV-infected children were enrolled from September 2007 through September 2008, 28% of whom were receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) at enrollment. The median PKC412 mouse age was 3.3 years see more for children not receiving ART (IQR 1.8, 6.7) and 4.5 years for children receiving ART (IQR 2.7, 8.6). 91% travelled more than one hour to the clinic and 26% travelled more than 5 hours. Most participants (73%) reported difficulties accessing the clinic, including insufficient money (60%), lack of transportation (54%) and roads in poor condition (32%). The 54 children who were receiving ART at study enrollment had been on ART a median of 8.6 months (IQR: 2.7, 19.5). The median percentage of CD4(+) T cells was 12.4 (IQR: 9.2, 18.6) at the

start of ART, and increased to 28.6 (IQR: 23.5, 36.1) at the initial study visit. However, the proportion of children who were underweight decreased only slightly, from 70% at initiation of ART to 61% at the initial study visit.\n\nConclusion: HIV-infected children in rural southern Zambia have long travel times to access care and may have poorer weight gain on ART than children in urban areas. Despite these barriers, these children had a substantial rise in CD4(+) T cell counts in the first year of ART although longer follow-up may indicate these gains are not sustained.”
“Physicians and other health care providers requesting dual-energy x-ray bone density studies must be able to critically review and interpret such studies.

Patients’ characteristics were retrieved from the cohort database

Patients’ characteristics were retrieved from the cohort database. Hospital and outpatient resource use were extracted from individual charts and valued with 2002 tariffs.\n\nResults: The 66 migrants were younger (29 +/- 8 years versus 37 +/- 11, p < 0.001), less often of male gender (38% versus 70%, p < 0.001), predominantly infected via heterosexual

contact (87% versus 52%, p < 0.01), with lower mean CD4 level at enrolment (326 +/- 235 versus 437 +/- 305, p = 0.002) than their 200 native counterparts.\n\nMigrants Small Molecule Compound Library had fewer hospitalizations, more frequent outpatient visits, laboratory tests, and lower total cost of care per year of follow-up ((sic) 2’215 +/- 4’206 versus 4’155 +/- 12’304, p = 0.037). Resource use and costs were significantly higher in people with < 200 CD4 cell counts in both groups.\n\nConclusions: Migrant population had more advanced disease, more outpatient visits but less hospitalizations, resulting in lower costs of care when compared with native population.”
“Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor (ETT) is a rare neoplasm derived from chorionic-type intermediate trophoblastic cells. Most cases of ETT are intrauterine and present during reproductive age. We report a case of ovarian ETT developing GSK461364 manufacturer 47 yr after the patient’s last pregnancy. A 75-yr-old woman transferred to our hospital because of multiple pulmonary masses which

was diagnosed as sqaumous cell carcinoma in another hospital. PET-CT revealed a huge solid mass in the pelvic cavity, suspicious for ovarian malignancy. Serum -hCG was 57,971 mIU/mL. Hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy were performed. Gross examination showed an enlarged right ovary, measuring 17x14x7 cm. The cut surface was yellow-tan and solid with extensive areas of necrosis. The uterus was unremarkable. The histologic finding was the same as the previous lung biopsy. The tumor consisted of monomorphic cells with abundant

eosinophilic cytoplasm, forming solid sheets and nests. There was geographic selleck chemicals tumor cell necrosis with hyaline materials. Immunohistochemically, cytokeratin 7 and p63 showed diffuse reactivity in the tumor cells. There was focal staining for -hCG. Ki-67 proliferative index was about 80%. This case indicates that ETT can rarely occur in postmenopausal women and to the best of our knowledge, our patient is the oldest reported case of ETT to date.”
“Background: Gastric cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide and infection with H. pylori is considered essential for its development. Helicobacter pylori infects more than 50% of the world’s population with higher prevalence in developing countries than developed countries. The prevalence of H. pylori varies in different societies and geographical locations. The objectives of this study were to estimate the seroprevalence and determine the risk factors of H.

Conclusions: Bacteria are genetically isolated into discrete

\n\nConclusions: Bacteria are genetically isolated into discrete clusters equivalent to natural species.”
“Little is known regarding the role of NK cells during primary and secondary disseminated Candida albicans infection. We assessed JAK inhibitor the role of NK cells for host defense against candidiasis

in immunocompetent, as well as immunodeficient, hosts. Surprisingly, depletion of NK cells in immunocompetent WT mice did not increase susceptibility to systemic candidiasis, suggesting that NK cells are redundant for antifungal defense in otherwise immunocompetent hosts. NK-cell-depleted mice were found to be protected as a consequence of attenuation of systemic inflammation. In contrast, the absence of NK cells in T/B/NK-cell-deficient NSG (NOD SCID gamma) mice led to an increased susceptibility to both primary and secondary systemic C. albicans infections compared with T/B-cell-deficient SCID mice. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that NK cells are an essential and nonredundant component of anti-C. albicans host defense in immunosuppressed hosts with defective T/B-lymphocyte immunity, while contributing to hyperinflammation in immunocompetent hosts. The discovery of the importance of NK cells in hosts with severe defects of adaptive immunity might have important consequences for the design of adjunctive immunotherapeutic approaches in systemic Selleck CUDC-907 C. albicans infections targeting

NK-cell function.”
“Objective: Patient- and organization-related factors are the most common influences affecting the AZD7762 molecular weight ICU decision-making process. Few studies have investigated ICU physician-related factors and life-sustaining treatment use during nights and weekends, when staffing

ratios are low. Here, we described patients admitted during nights/weekends and looked for physician-related determinants of life-sustaining treatment use in these patients after adjustment for patient- and center-related factors. Design: Multicenter observational cohort study of admission procedures during nights/weekends shifts. Subjects: ICU physicians working nights/weekends in 6 French ICUs. Interventions: None. Measurements and Main Results: Patient characteristics and intensity of care were extracted from the prospective Outcomerea database. Physician characteristics were age, gender, religion and religiosity, ICU experience, specialty, being a permanent ICU staff member, degree in ethics, and degree in intensive care. We used hierarchical mixed models to adjust on center, physician random effects, and admission patient characteristics. Of 156 physicians contacted, 119 (77%) participated. Patients admitted during nights/weekends were younger and had fewer comorbidities and lower treatment intensity during the shift. ICU physicians who are younger than 35 years used more renal replacement therapy (odds ratio, 1.04; 95% CI, 1-1.07; p = 0.04), invasive mechanical ventilation (odds ratio, 1.09; 95% CI, 1.1-1.19; p = 0.04), and vasopressors (odds ratio, 1.16; 95% CI, 1.09-1.

We demonstrate the early stages

of successful recruitment

We demonstrate the early stages

of successful recruitment and link these to the potential wider ecosystem benefits including those to commercial WH-4-023 cost fisheries.”
“Dietary ratios of omega-3 (n-3) to omega-6 (n-6) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) have been implicated in controlling markers of the metabolic syndrome, including insulin sensitivity, inflammation, lipid profiles and adiposity. However, the role of dietary PUFAs in regulating energy systems in healthy relative to metabolic diseased backgrounds has not been systematically addressed. We used dietary manipulation of n-3 to n-6 PUFA ratios in an animal model of metabolic syndrome and a related healthy line to assay feeding behavior and endocrine markers of feeding drive and energy regulation. Two related lines of rodents with a healthy and a metabolic syndrome phenotype were fed one of two isocaloric diets, comprised of either a 1:1 or a 1:30 n-3 to n-6 ratio, for 30 days. Food intake and weight gain were monitored; and leptin, ghrelin, adiponectin and a suite of hypothalamic neuropeptides involved in energy regulation were assayed following the dietary manipulation period. There was no difference in caloric

intake or weight gain between diet groups, however there was a significant interaction between diet and phenotypic line on central and peripheral markers of energy selleck chemicals llc homeostasis. Thus serum levels of leptin, acylated-ghrelin and adiponectin, and mRNA levels of the anorexigenic hypothalamic neuropeptide, cocaine-amphetamine related transcript (CART), showed differential, dietary responses with HCR rats showing an increase in anorexigenic signals in response to unbalanced n-3:6 ratios, while LCR did not. These data are the first to demonstrate that a rodent line with a metabolic Z-VAD-FMK cell line syndrome-like phenotype responds differentially to dietary manipulation of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids relative to a related healthy line with regard to endocrine markers of energy homeostasis. The dietary n-3:n-6 ratios used in this experiment represent extreme points of natural

human diets, however the data suggest that optimal recommendations regarding omega-3 and omega-6 intake may have differing effects in healthy subjects relative to metabolic syndrome patients. Further research is necessary to establish these responses in human populations.”
“Metal contamination in arable soils and crops grown in and around an industrial area of Bangladesh were measured, and the transfer factor from soils to crops was calculated accordingly. The highest concentration was observed for Fe and the order of metal concentration was Fe bigger than Zn bigger than Cr bigger than Pb bigger than Cu bigger than Ni bigger than Cd in soils. Bioaccumulation and translocation of metals from roots to edible parts of the crop plants were varied for almost all elements studied.

Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the consistency

Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the consistency of the fast-PTC and TEN tests in diagnosing a DR in hearing-impaired children. In addition, the masked thresholds for normal-hearing children were measured with different TEN levels to assess whether any age-related effect in children compared with adults may occur.\n\nDesign: Participants were divided into two groups: eight normal-hearing children (16 ears) and 12 hearing-impaired children (21 ears), aged 7 to 13 yr. TEN is based on measuring masked threshold

in TEN. For normal-hearing participants, the masked thresholds were measured for five levels of noise (30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 dB per A-1331852 molecular weight averaged equivalent rectangular bandwidth). For hearing-impaired participants, the level of the TEN was selected separately for each ear based on the highest acceptable level minus 5 dB. The TEN test results in hearing-impaired children were further validated by measuring fast-PTCs. The fast-PTC technique involves measuring the level of the narrowband noise masker needed to mask the signal.

The center frequency of the masker sweeps across the required frequency range.\n\nResults: The masked thresholds in TEN measured for normal-hearing children were usually Pevonedistat cell line below and never higher than 5 dB above TEN level per averaged equivalent rectangular bandwidth. This suggests ICG-001 that no age-related effect on masked threshold in children compared with adults was observed. All hearing-impaired children were able to perform the TEN test and fast-PTCs. The results of the two tests were consistent in 17 of 21 ears (81%): eight ears did not show evidence of a DR and nine ears did. In three ears,

the criteria for a DR were met on the TEN test, but there was no evidence of a DR on the fast-PTC test. In one ear, the TEN test did not show evidence of DRs at two frequencies, whereas fast-PTCs did.\n\nConclusions: The results of this study suggest that DRs can be detected in children using the fast-PTC technique and the TEN test interpreted with the adult criteria, which are the most appropriate in terms of specificity and sensitivity. However, in cases in which the masked threshold is 10 to 15 dB above the TEN level, it is recommended to confirm DR diagnosis with fast-PTC measurement.”
“Nutritive values of the leaves of Mediterranean shrubs Quercus coccifera, Calicotome villosa, Rhamnus oleoides ssp. graecus, Pistacia terebinthus, Paliurus spina-christi and Phillyrea latifolia, and Leuceana leucocephala, an introduced species were studied. These shrubs were hand harvested from three plots established in the experimental field at before flowering, flowering and bear fruit stages.

To approach this question we have applied a novel image-analysis

To approach this question we have applied a novel image-analysis method

to measure strain rates in local domains of cells and performed a kinematic analysis of DC. Our study reveals spatial and temporal differences in the rate of apical constriction of AS cells. We find a slow phase of DC, during which apical contraction of cells at the posterior end BLZ945 predominates, and a subsequent fast phase, during which all the cells engage in the contraction, which correlates with the zippering process. There is a radial gradient of AS apical contraction, with marginal cells contracting earlier than more centrally located cells. We have applied this analysis to the study of mutant situations and associated a particular genotype with quantitative and reproducible changes in the rate of cell contraction and hence in the overall rate of the process. Our mutant analysis reveals the contribution of mechanical elements to the rate and pattern of DC.”
“Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) Surgical Safety Checklist is reported to reduce surgical morbidity and mortality, and is mandatory in the UK National Health Service. Hospital audit data show

high compliance rates, but direct observation suggests that actual performance may be suboptimal.\n\nMethods: For each observed operation, WHO time-out and sign-out attempts were recorded, and the quality of the time-out was evaluated using three measures: all information points communicated, all personnel present and active participation.\n\nResults: Observation of WHO checklist performance Navitoclax ic50 was conducted for 294 operations, in five hospitals and four surgical

specialties. Time-out was attempted in 257 operations (87 center dot 4 per cent) and sign-out in 26 (8 center dot 8 per cent). Within time-out, all information was communicated in 141 (54 center dot 9 per cent), the whole team was present in 199 (77 center dot 4 per cent) and active participation check details was observed in 187 (72 center dot 8 percent) operations. Surgical specialty did not affect time-out or sign-out attempt frequency (P=0 center dot 453). Time-out attempt frequency (range 42-100 per cent) as well as all information communicated (15-83 per cent), all team present (35-90 per cent) and active participation (15-93 per cent) varied between hospitals (P<0 center dot 001 for all).\n\nConclusion: Meaningful compliance with the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist is much lower than indicated by administrative data. Sign-out compliance is generally poor, suggesting incompatibility with normal theatre work practices. There is variation between hospitals, but consistency across studied specialties, suggesting a need to address organizational culture issues.”
“Background: Reactions to DTwP vaccine are well known and are a matter of great concern, much for the development of next generation combination vaccines.

This response was driven by a p38MAPK-dependent mechanism and was

This response was driven by a p38MAPK-dependent mechanism and was affected by radiation quality and dose. This stress response and elevation of ROS affected genomic instability by distinct pathways. Through interference with p38MAPK activity, we show that radiation-induced stress phenotypes promote genomic instability. In contrast, exposure to physiologically relevant doses of hydrogen peroxide or increasing endogenous

ROS levels with a catalase inhibitor reduced the level of Selleck Bromosporine genomic instability. Our results implicate persistently elevated ROS following exposure to radiation as a factor contributing to genome stabilization.”
“The stereoselective degradation of the racemic diclofop-methyl in Chinese cabbage and several agricultural soils had been investigated. Both the enantiomers were analyzed by organic solvent extraction and validated by chiral high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector (DAD). Cellolose-tris-(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate)-based chiral column was used for the chiral separation of the two enantiomers applying a mixture of n-hexane and 2-propanol SB273005 (90:10) as mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min.

The elution order of the two enantiomers was distinguished by a JASCO 2000 HPLC-circular dichroism (CD) system and the first elution was (-)-enantiomer while the other was (+)-enantiomer. Racemic diclofop-methyl was fortified into 10 types of agricultural soils and foliar applied to Chinese cabbage. The assay method was linear over a range of concentrations (0.5-250 mg L-1) and the mean recovery was more than 80% for both

enantiomers. The limit of detection for both enantiomers STI571 manufacturer was 0.1 mu g g(-1) in soil and plant samples. The results of the stereoselectivity, degradation of diclofop-methyl enantiomers in soil showed that the (-)-enantiomer was dissipated faster than the (+)-enantiomer in two typical soils and this enantioselectivity may be caused by microorganism, but no stereoselectivity was observed in other soils. In Chinese cabbage plant, (+)-enantiomer accumulated and eliminated faster than its antipode. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.”
“Variable efficacies have been reported for glucocorticoid drugs as anti-inflammatory treatment after stroke. We applied an alternative drug delivery strategy, by injection of dexamethasone phosphate-containing liposomes in combination with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA), in an experimental stroke model, and tested the hypothesis that this approach improves behavioral recovery and reduces lesion growth. Rats were subjected to right middle cerebral artery occlusion with a blood clot. After 2 h, animals were intravenously injected with rtPA plus empty long-circulating liposomes (LCL), free dexamethasone phosphate (DXP), or DXP-containing LCL (LCL-DXP).

No systemic toxicity or intravascular thrombosis remote from the<

No systemic toxicity or intravascular thrombosis remote from the

target region was detected in any of the animals. Conclusions. Vascular targeting can increase intravascular thrombosis after radiosurgery, and the vessel occlusion is durable. Further work is needed to refine this approach to AVM treatment, which shows promise as a way to overcome the limitations of radiosurgery.”
“The genetic basis of phenotypic traits is of great interest to evolutionary biologists, but their contribution to adaptation in nature is often unknown. To determine the MK-2206 manufacturer genetic architecture of flowering time in ecologically relevant conditions, we used a recombinant inbred line population created from two locally adapted populations of Arabidopsis thaliana from Sweden and Italy. Using these RILs, we identified flowering time QTL in growth chambers that mimicked the natural temperature and photoperiod variation across the growing season in each native environment. We also compared the genomic locations of flowering time QTL to those of fitness (total fruit number) QTL from a previous three-year field study. Ten GS-9973 supplier total flowering time QTL were found, and in all cases,

the Italy genotype caused early flowering regardless of the conditions. Two QTL were consistent across chamber environments, and these had the largest effects on flowering time. Five of the fitness QTL colocalized with flowering time QTL found in the Italy conditions, and in each case, the local genotype was favoured. In contrast, just two flowering time QTL found in the Sweden conditions colocalized with fitness QTL and in only one case was the local genotype favoured. This implies that flowering time may be more important for adaptation in Italy than Sweden. Two candidate genes (FLC and VIN3) underlying the major flowering time QTL found in the current SNS-032 research buy study are implicated in local adaptation.”
“Physical activity-induced prevention of

hepatic steatosis is maintained during short-term (7-day) transitions to an inactive state; however, whether these protective effects are present under a longer duration of physical inactivity is largely unknown. Here, we sought to determine whether previous physical activity had protective effects on hepatic steatosis and metabolic health following 4 wk of physical inactivity. Four-week old, hyperphagic, male Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima fatty (OLETF) rats were randomly assigned to either a sedentary group for 16 wk (OLETF-SED), given access to running wheels for 16 wk with wheels locked 5 h (OLETF-WL5hr) or given access to running wheels for 12 wk with wheels locked 4 wk (OLETF-WL4wk) prior to death. Four weeks of physical inactivity caused hepatic steatosis development, but liver triglycerides remained 60% lower than OLETF-SED (P < 0.01), and this was associated with only a partial loss in activity-induced improvements in body composition, serum lipids, and glycemic control.

“Hairpin RNA (hpRNA) is commonly used for gene-function ex

“Hairpin RNA (hpRNA) is commonly used for gene-function exploration and gene engineering. In this study, a novel method was developed to construct intron-containing hairpin RNA (ihpRNA) rapidly and efficiently based on Overlap Extension PCR (OE-PCR). This method, Mixed One-step OE-PCR (MOOE-PCR), can amplify two inverted repeats of DNA fragments and a spliceable intron in parallel, and then assemble them to generate ihpRNA constructs in the same tube this website without the purification of intermediate products. This method required a PCR process of 38-40 cycles and ordinary PCR reagents. A total of 10 ihpRNA constructs were amplified successfully using this method, with the

stems ranging from 50 bp to 484 bp in length, Our results suggest that this novel method is a useful strategy for constructing ihpRNA. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.”
“Radiotherapy is one of the major treatment

modalities for malignancies. However, cells surviving irradiation often display high levels of invasiveness. This study shows that irradiation-tolerant lung adenocarcinoma demonstrates high invasive capability depending on dephosphorylation of the myosin regulatory light chain (MRLC). In a collagen gel overlay condition, low-invasive subclones of lung adenocarcinoma (A549P-3) showed a round morphology and diphosphorylation of MRLC. In contrast, irradiation-tolerant A549P-3 cells (A549P-3IR) displayed high invasiveness and a lower level of MRLC diphosphorylation. In addition, inhibition of MRLC phosphatase activity decreased the invasive activity. These findings VX-680 suggest that A549P-3IR cells acquire high invasiveness through MRLC dephosphorylation. (C) 2013 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.”
“This study aimed to assess the mean

sojourn time (MST) of prostate cancer, to estimate the probability of overdiagnosis, and to predict the potential reduction in advanced stage disease due to screening with PSA. The MST of prostate cancer was derived from detection rates at PSA prevalence testing in 43 842 men, aged 50-69 years, as part of the ProtecT study, from the incidence of non-screen-detected 3-MA PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibitor cases obtained from the English population-based cancer registry database, and from PSA sensitivity obtained from the medical literature. The relative reduction in advanced stage disease was derived from the expected and observed incidences of advanced stage prostate cancer. The age-specific MST for men aged 50-59 and 60-69 years were 11.3 and 12.6 years, respectively. Overdiagnosis estimates increased with age; 10-31% of the PSA-detected cases were estimated to be overdiagnosed. An interscreening interval of 2 years was predicted to result in 37 and 63% reduction in advanced stage disease in men 65-69 and 50-54 years, respectively. If the overdiagnosed cases were excluded, the estimated reductions were 9 and 54%, respectively.

The role of single-agent vinblastine and other vinca alkaloid in

The role of single-agent vinblastine and other vinca alkaloid in the management of pediatric LGGs deserves further investigation.”
“Objective. In safety studies, events reported as infections may be misclassified and, therefore, affect the validity of estimated risks associated with biologic agents. Using data from the Consortium of Rheumatology Researchers of North America (CORRONA), we evaluated hospitalized infection reports contributed by rheumatologists to establish their validity.\n\nMethods. All patients hospitalized

with infections from 2002 to 2007 reported to CORRONA were examined and compared with information from hospital discharge summaries and other confirmatory data. Infectious episodes were classified BGJ398 by two physicians as confirmed, empirically treated, possible or unlikely.\n\nResults. Of 562 reported

hospitalized infectious episodes, 9% were classified as unlikely and had minimal or no supporting evidence for infection, leaving 509 hospitalized infectious episodes. Of these, 53% of the infectious episodes were classified as confirmed, 15% empirically treated and 32% possible. The confirmation status of infectious episodes for younger or biologic-exposed participants was similar to older and biologic-unexposed participants.\n\nConclusion. More than two-thirds of hospitalized infections reported by rheumatologists were confirmed or had evidence that the physician was treating an infection.

In almost all cases, there was at least modest evidence buy ACY-738 for an infection. Future studies should consider case definitions for infections or sensitivity analyses, or both, regarding the certainty of an infection to account for possible misclassification and reduce bias.”
“Organic compounds have been extracted from calcium carbonate skeletons produced by three invertebrate species belonging to distinct phyla. The soluble parts of these skeleton matrices were isolated and analysed by synchrotron-based X-ray spectroscopy (XPS). The presence of calcium associated with selleck screening library these organic materials was revealed in every sample studied, with important variations in Ca 2p binding energy from species to species. Measured Ca 2p binding energy values are more related to compositional diversity of the mineralizing matrices of the skeletons, whose taxonomic dependence has long been established, than to the Ca carbonate polymorph selected to build the skeletal units. This suggests a physical bond between species-specific mineralizing organic assemblages and the associated calcium. Remarkably, the binding energy of 2p electrons in calcium associated with mineralizing matrices is consistently higher than Ca 2p values obtained in purely mineral carbonate (both calcite and aragonite).