It was found that n correlates with the kinetic diameter of the s

It was found that n correlates with the kinetic diameter of the specific gases of the pair by a relationship: n – 1 similar to(d(j)/d(j))(2)-1 in agreement with theory Correlations exist between n and k for the noted relationship and n(u) and k(u)

of the upper bound relationship of P-i = k(u)alpha(nu)(ij) where alpha(ij) = P-i/P-j. The experimental values of n – 1 enable the determination of a new set up kinetic diameters showing excellent agreement between theory and experimental results. The value of was found to be virtually an exact fit with the relationship developed by Freeman in predicting for value of k(u) for the upper bound relationship using the new set of kinetic diameters where the calculation were constrained to minimize the error in (n – 1) = (d(j)/d(i))(2) – 1. The significance of these results includes a new set of kinetic diameters predicted by theory and agreeing with experimental data with accurate significantly improved over the zeolite determined diameters previously employed to correlate diffusion selectivity in polymers. One consequence of this analysis is that the kinetic diameter Of CO2 is virtually identical to that Of O-2. Additionally, the theoretical relationship developed by Freeman for the upper bound prediction is further verified by this analysis which correlates the average permeability for polymeric materials as

compared to the few optimized polymer structures offering upper bound performance.

(C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All P005091 rights reserved.”
“In this paper, thermal effects on postbuckling of nonlinear microbeams are investigated. A nonlinear model based on the modified strain gradient theory that considers small scale effects is presented. Poisson’s effect is included in order to maintain the consistency of equations. Two general cases of microbeams with immovable (axial) and movable ends are studied and for different transverse boundary conditions, Ulixertinib order analytical solutions for their postbuckling behavior in the presence of thermal effects are constructed. Results are verified with relevant previous works and excellent consistency is shown. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“The identification of the mandibular canal (MC) is an important prerequisite for surgical procedures involving the posterior mandible. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) represents an advance in imaging technology, but distinguishing the MC from surrounding structures may remain a delicate task. Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the visibility of the MC in different regions on CBCT cross-sectional images. Material and methods: CBCT cross-sectional images of 58 patients (116 hemi-mandibles) were analyzed, and the visibility of the MC in different regions was assessed. Results: The MC was clearly visible in 53% of the hemi-mandibles.

05) Further, we found that dietary LC-O3PUFAs impacted the level

05). Further, we found that dietary LC-O3PUFAs impacted the levels of neurotransmitters and JPH203 nmr the mitochondrial metabolism, as evidenced by significant increases in the levels of N-acetylglutamate (+43 %) and acetyl CoA levels (+27 %), respectively. Interestingly, this dietary intervention resulted in a global correction of the pro-oxidant metabolic profile that characterized

the SCI-mediated sensorimotor dysfunction. In summary, the significant benefits of metabolic homeostasis and increased antioxidant defenses unlock important neurorestorative pathways of dietary LC-O3PUFAs against SCI.”
“Astaxanthin (Asx) is known to be a potent quencher of singlet oxygen and an efficient scavenger of superoxide anion. Therefore, Asx would be expected to be a useful antioxidant for the prevention of oxidative stress, a causative factor in severe diseases such as ischemic reperfusion injury. However, it is still unclear whether Asx has scavenging capability against the most potent reactive oxygen species (ROS), C59 datasheet hydroxyl radical, because the hydrophobicity of Asx prevents analysis of hydroxyl radical scavenging ability in aqueous solution. In this study, to solve this problem, liposomes containing Asx (Asx-lipo), which could be dispersed in water, were prepared, and the scavenging ability of Asx-lipo for

the hydroxyl radical was examined. The liposomal formulation enabled encapsulation of a high concentration of Asx. Asx-lipo gave a dose-dependent reduction of chemiluminescence intensity induced by hydroxyl radical in aqueous solution. Hydroxyl radical scavenging of Asx was more potent than alpha-tocopherol. The absorbance of Asx in the liposome decreased after reduction of hydroxyl radicals, indicating the direct hydroxyl radical scavenging by Asx. Moreover, Asx-lipo prevented hydroxyl radical-induced cytotoxicity in cultured NIH-3T3 cells. In conclusion, Asx has potent Immunology & Inflammation inhibitor scavenging capability

against hydroxyl radicals in aqueous solution, and this paper is the first report regarding hydroxyl radial scavenging by Asx.”
“The pro-apoptotic tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-receptor 1-associated death domain protein (TRADD) was initially identified as the central signaling adapter molecule of TNF-receptor 1 (TNFR1). Upon stimulation with the proinflammatory cytokine TNF alpha, TRADD is recruited to the activated TNFR1 by direct interaction between the death domains of both molecules. TRADD mediates TNFR1 activation of NF-kappa B and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), as well as caspase-dependent apoptosis. Surprisingly, TRADD is also recruited by latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1), the major oncoprotein of the human Epstein-Barr tumor virus.

Subjects were assessed for dysmenorrhea, pain severity, medicatio

Subjects were assessed for dysmenorrhea, pain severity, medication use, menstrual distress, and HRQOL. CD activity scores were calculated. The correlation between menstrual distress and CD activity was assessed. Linear regression analysis was performed to determine the effects of dysmenorrhea and CD on pain severity.Results:A total of 110 subjects were studied and 40% of cases had dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea was associated with higher pain scores among cases. Compared with controls, cases with dysmenorrhea reported similar pain severity but lower nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use. After adjusting for medication use, cases this website had significantly greater distress due to menstrual pain. CD activity scores were not higher in women

with dysmenorrhea; however, menstrual distress scores correlated positively with disease activity. HRQOL was significantly lower in cases with dysmenorrhea by some measures.Conclusions:Dysmenorrhea is common in women with CD and has an additive effect on overall pain severity. It is not, however, associated with greater nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use. Menstrual

distress is positively correlated with CD activity scores and associated with lower HRQOL by some measures. Treatment of dysmenorrhea may improve the pain experienced by women with CD, the perception of CD activity, and the quality of life in women with CD.”
“BackgroundPatent Blue V dye (PBVD) can cause severe anaphylaxis. For sentinel node biopsy (SNB) in breast cancer patients, controversy exists as to the utility of PBVD in check details addition to lymphoscintigraphy. This survey assessed Australian and New Zealand breast surgeons’ experience of anaphylaxis with PBVD. MethodsThe survey was distributed to all 180 members of the BreastSurgANZ society in May 2011. GSK461364 Cell Cycle inhibitor Seventy-six (42%) current

members responded. A retrospective analysis was performed on survey responses. ResultsSeventy-five members used PBVD on a median of 50 cases per year (0-250 cases per year) for a median of 10 years (4 months-15 years). Overall, 44 members (58.7%) experienced definite or possible allergic reaction to PBVD, but only 16 members (21%) witnessed severe anaphylaxis associated with a fall in blood pressure. Of the 34 members who experienced what they considered definite anaphylactic reactions with PBVD, only 18 members confirmed with allergy testing. The overall reported incidence of anaphylactic reactions of any severity was 0.15%. The median time to anaphylaxis was 20min (0-90min). Forty members (53.3%) reported routine discussion about PBVD risks as part of informed consent. Only seven members performed routine pre-op skin testing. Overall, 91% of the members accepted the rare but real risk of severe anaphylaxis and 76% did not question the additional value associated with its use. ConclusionAustralian and New Zealand breast surgeons’ reported that the anaphylaxis rate from PBVD was 0.15%. The majority of surgeons continued to use PBVD to facilitate SNB.

These data confirm and extend our understanding of the significan

These data confirm and extend our understanding of the significance of the M2 protein for infectious virus particle assembly.”
“We report the case of a patient who developed allergic contact hand dermatitis while receiving infliximab) infusions for psoriasis and psoriatic BMS-754807 price arthritis. Patch testing showed multiple positive allergens. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of successful patch testing in a patient receiving tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) blockade therapy. TNF-alpha blockers do not necessarily suppress allergic contact hypersensitivity and are not an absolute contraindication to patch testing.”

Hypertrophic scarring following surgical procedures, trauma and especially burns can lead to severe selleck compound functional and cosmetic impairment, causing a decrease in the quality of life. Although a wide choice of treatments is offered, few therapeutic methods are universally accepted because of their side effects.\n\nObjective: The effects of the essential

oil (EO) extracted from rhizomes of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. (Umbelliferae) in human hypertrophic scar fibroblasts (HSFs) are investigated for the first time.\n\nMaterials and methods: Chemical composition of hydrodistilled EO obtained from rhizomes of Ligusticum chuanxiong was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The effects of EO on cell viability, apoptosis rate, mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), reactive oxygen species (ROS) and caspase-3 in HSFs were investigated.\n\nResults:

The experimental results showed that EO significantly inhibited cell viability, elicited morphological changes and induced apoptosis in HSFs. EO also evidently increased the loss of MMP, the levels of LDH release and cellular ROS production, and the activity of caspase-3.\n\nDiscussion and conclusion: EO-induced apoptosis was at least partially carried out via destruction of the intracellular antioxidant system and elicitation of excessive ROS accumulation in HSFs, which impaired mitochondrial membranes and elicited caspase-3 activation. EO could be an effective cure for human hypertrophic scar.”
“Aim: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the selleck kinase inhibitor impact of point spread function (PSF) reconstruction on quantitative values and diagnostic accuracy of FDG PET/CT for nodal staging in non-small cell lung cancer.\n\nPatients and Methods: Fifty-eight consecutive PET/CT examinations were reconstructed with both ordered subset expectation maximization (OSEM) and PSF algorithms. Two readers independently performed a randomized blinded review of PET/CT examinations and gave a nodal status (N0, N1, N2, or N3) to each PET data set. When discordant, a consensus was reached with a third reader.

All participating examiners achieved a mean kappa value >= 0 6

All participating examiners achieved a mean kappa value >= 0.6 for both MC and EUS before this trial. RESULTS: MC and EUS each measured the depth of lesion invasion with 71.2% accuracy (correctly for 47 of 66 lesions). MC identified lesions with deep submucosal invasion with 74.2% sensitivity and 68.6% specificity, whereas EUS identified them with 67.7% sensitivity and 74.3% specificity. The differences between MC and EUS measurements did not differ significantly. However, MC required significantly shorter observation time than EUS (361.7 +/- AZD8186 order 164.5 seconds vs 451.2

+/- 209.4 seconds, P = .002).\n\nCONCLUSIONS: MC and EUS are equally accurate in estimating the invasion depth of early stage CRC lesions. However, neither procedure has sufficient diagnostic accuracy to be used as the standard. University Hospital Medical Network Clinical Trials Registry, Number: UMIN 000005085.”
“The Schiff base, 4-(2E)-2-[1-(4-methoxyphenyl)ethylidene] hydrazinyl-8-(trifluoromethyl)quinoline, crystallizes in two polymorphic forms depending on the ATM/ATR assay solvent. One of these forms is monoclinic (1M), space group P2(1)/c with a = 10.2906(10) , b = 8.9211(7) , c = 18.4838(15), beta = 97.271(8)A degrees, and the other is orthorhombic (1O), space group Pbca, unit-cell parameters: a = 13.6485(12) , b = 9.0588(9) , c = 27.400(2) . The molecules

in either crystalline form have similar bond lengths and angles, but one is nearly planar while the other has a significant twist. In monoclinic form the dihedral angle between terminal ring planes is 17.26(8)A degrees while in the orthorhombic one it is 26.11(5)A degrees, and in this latter case the central chain is almost coplanar with the quinoline ring system while in the former JQ-EZ-05 in vitro these two planes are significantly twisted. The crystal structures of both forms are determined by the interplay of van der Waals forces and weak directional interactions C-H center dot center dot center dot F, pi center dot center dot center dot pi stacking, and-in the case of 1M-short intermolecular C-F center dot

center dot center dot N contact. The crystals of 1M decomposes slowly into the powder while the other form is stable. The powder diffraction pattern of the product of decomposition of 1M is similar to that calculated for 1O. This suggests that the decomposition is a consequence of the phase transition of the less stable monoclinic into more stable orthorhombic form.”
“The crystal structures of the new compounds 5-bromo-N-[2-(methylthio)-phenyl] salicylaldimine (1), and 3,5-dichloro-N-[2-(methylthio) phenyl] salicylaldimine (2) were obtained by single crystal X-ray diffraction. Compound 1 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/c with a = 14.1479(14) angstrom, b = 5.3058(3) angstrom, c = 19.104(3) angstrom; b = 106.218(10)degrees; and Z = 4.

“An accurate atmospheric correction (AC) of Earth remote-s

“An accurate atmospheric correction (AC) of Earth remote-sensing data in the spectral region 450-800nm has to account for the ozone gas absorption Akt inhibitor influence. Usual operational AC codes employ a fixed ozone concentration corresponding to a climatologic average for a certain region and season, e.g. the mid-latitude summer atmosphere of the Moderate Resolution Atmospheric Transmission (MODTRAN) code. The reasons for a fixed ozone column are that ozone does not vary rapidly on a spatial and temporal scale, and additionally, the look-up table (LUT) size for AC is already big. This means that another degree of freedom for the ozone parameter would dramatically

increase the size of the LUT database and the time required for LUT interpolation. In order to account for this effect, we use already Screening Library order existing LUTs that were calculated for a certain ozone reference level, e.g. an ozone column of g=330 Dobson Units (DU) for MODTRAN’s mid-latitude summer atmosphere. Then the deviation of the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiance L(g) from the reference level L(g=330) is calculated as a function of solar

and view geometries. The calculation is performed for a set of 36 wavelengths in the ozone-sensitive spectrum (450-800nm) and five ozone columns. The last step computes the linear regression coefficients for each wavelength and geometry. The results are stored in a small table (11kB). It is shown that the ozone influence is accurately accounted for by multiplying the modelled radiance L(g=330) with a factor depending on g and wavelength yielding TOA radiance relative errors smaller than 0.5% for a wide range of ozone concentrations between 180 and 500DU. Selected examples of a sensitivity study of the ozone effect on the

retrieval of water constituents demonstrate the need to account for ozone in the AC step.”
“Sulfur compounds continue to be an important component of atmospheric deposition in East Asia. In order to better understand the dry deposition of PM2.5 sulfate, which is one of the most significant transboundary air pollutants CX-6258 in vitro in this region, we measured the dry deposition flux of PM2.5 sulfate above a hilly forest of the Field Museum Tamakyuryo (FM Tama) site in suburban Tokyo. We used the relaxed eddy accumulation (REA) method and took measurements during the summer, from 26 July to 2 August 2013, and the autumn, from 18 to 22 November 2013. We primarily focused on the evaluation of dry deposition above a forest on complex terrain. The total flux and 80% of the runs showed downward flux. The deposition velocities measured by the REA method during times when the wind direction was from a relatively uniform sloping surface over the forest were more reasonable than those measured when the wind direction was from a more complex surface.

These results

suggest that bacterial sRNAs may use target

These results

suggest that bacterial sRNAs may use target-site multiplicity to enhance the efficiency and stringency of regulation. Moreover, use of multiple binding sites may be particularly important for coordinating regulation of multiple genes encoded in operons.”
“Background: The iJO1366 reconstruction of the metabolic network of Escherichia coli is one of the most complete and accurate metabolic reconstructions available for any organism. Still, because our knowledge of even well-studied model organisms such as this one is incomplete, this network reconstruction contains gaps and possible errors. There are a total of 208 blocked metabolites in iJO1366, representing gaps in the network.\n\nResults: A new model improvement workflow BVD-523 was developed to compare model based phenotypic predictions to experimental selleck chemicals llc data to fill gaps and correct errors. A Keio Collection based dataset of E. coli gene essentiality was obtained from literature data and compared to model predictions. The SMILEY algorithm was then used to predict the most likely missing reactions in the reconstructed network, adding reactions from a KEGG based universal set of metabolic reactions. The feasibility of these putative reactions was determined by comparing updated versions of the model to the experimental

dataset, and genes were predicted for the most feasible reactions.\n\nConclusions: CH5183284 solubility dmso Numerous improvements to the iJO1366 metabolic reconstruction were suggested by these analyses. Experiments were performed to verify several computational predictions, including a new mechanism for growth on myo-inositol. The other predictions made in this

study should be experimentally verifiable by similar means. Validating all of the predictions made here represents a substantial but important undertaking.”
“Furfuryl and tetrahydrofurfuryl vinyl ethers reacted with various alcohols under mild conditions (20-25A degrees C, 1-3 h, 1 wt % of CF3COOH) with high chemo- and regioselectivity to give the corresponding Markovnikov adducts at the vinyl group in up to 93% yield.”
“Background: This report outlines the action research used to develop a workshop for interprofessional student groups to enhance listening skills.\n\nAim: The project aimed to enable students to reflect interprofessionally on the human factors central to effective communication using the power of storytelling by disabled people and their carers.\n\nMethods: Qualitative data from students and participating service users were collected using focus groups and one-to-one interviews over three pilot cycles.\n\nResults: The results from each pilot informed the cyclical development of the project so that each stage of data collection informed the next stage. During the pilots, 20 interviews with service users were completed and a total of 109 students participated.

These features of 222G mutants may contribute to exacerbation of

These features of 222G mutants may contribute to exacerbation of disease.”
“Purpose: Pain from osteoarthritis (OA) is generally classified as nociceptive (inflammatory). Animal models of knee OA have shown that sensory nerve fibers innervating the knee are significantly damaged with destruction of subchondral bone junction, and induce neuropathic pain (NP). Our objective was to examine NP in the knees of OA patients using painDETECT (an NP questionnaire) and to evaluate the relationship between

NP, pain intensity, and stage of OA. Materials and Methods: Ninety-two knee OA patients were evaluated in this study. Pain scores using Visual Analogue Scales (VAS), Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC), painDETECT, duration of symptoms, severity of OA using the Kellgren-Lawrence (KL) system, and amount of joint fluid were evaluated and compared

using a Spearman’s see more correlation coefficient by rank test. Results: Our study identified at least 5.4% of our knee OA patients as likely to have NP and 15.2% as possibly having NP. The painDETECT score was significantly correlated with the VAS and WOMAC pain severity. Compared with the painDETECT score, there was a tendency for positive correlation with the KL grade, and tendency for negative correlation with the existence and amount of joint fluid, but these correlations ZD1839 ic50 were not significant. Conclusion: PainDETECT scores classified 5.4% of pain from knee OA as NP. NP tended to be seen in patients with less joint fluid and

increased KL grade, both of which corresponded to late stages of OA. It is important to consider the existence of NP in the treatment of knee OA pain.”
“We present a detailed study on incomplete ionization (i.i.) of aluminum acceptors in highly aluminum-doped p(+) silicon formed by alloying from screen-printed Al pastes. We apply electrochemical capacitance-voltage (ECV) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) measurements to detect the Al doping profiles and discuss key aspects AZD7762 purchase necessary for a precise determination of the profiles. The excellent accordance of ECV- and SIMS-measured acceptor profile curves allows for the accurate investigation of Al acceptor ionization. We review the physics of i.i. and verify a simple quantitative model for incomplete Al acceptor ionization by comparing measured and calculated sheet-resistances of Al-doped p(+) Si surfaces. We thus show that the electrically active Al doping concentration is nearly two times lower than the total Al concentration, so that i.i. of Al acceptors has to be considered for the correct description of highly Al-doped p(+) Si regions. Therefore, our results allow for an improved quantitative analysis of n- and p-type silicon solar cells with Al-alloyed p(+) rear emitter or back surface field, respectively. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.

In addition, HRQL measurements may be used to measure the effects

In addition, HRQL measurements may be used to measure the effects of an intervention on the patient’s quality learn more of life. Finally, HRQL is the only available measure reflecting the ongoing severity of food allergy, as no objective disease parameters are available.”
“High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and high-angle annular-dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM) were applied to investigate the precipitates formed during age hardening

at 170 +/- 5 degrees C for up to 48 h of cast A319 aluminium,alloy (Al-4.93 wt%Si-3.47 wt%Cu). The precipitates at the peak-aged condition have been identified as mainly theta ” together with a smaller amount of theta’. It is LY3023414 cost proposed that the theta ” is responsible for hardening at peak ageing at 170 degrees C of the cast A319 aluminium alloy. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Heart failure is recognized with increasing frequency worldwide and often progresses to an

advanced refractory state. Although the reference standard for treatment of advanced heart failure remains cardiac transplantation, the increasing shortage of donor organs and the unsuitability of many patients for transplantation surgery has led to a search for alternative therapies. One such therapy is mechanical circulatory support, which helps relieve the load on the ventricle and thereby allows it to recover function. In addition, there is increasing evidence supporting the use of U0126 mechanical devices as a bridge to recovery in patients with acute refractory heart failure. In this article, the imaging evaluation

of various commonly used short- and long-term cardiac assist devices is discussed, and their relevant mechanisms of action and physiology are described. Imaging, particularly computed tomography (CT), plays a crucial role in preoperative evaluation for assessment of candidacy for implantation of a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) or total artificial heart (TAH). Also, echocardiography and CT are indispensable in assessment of complications associated with cardiac devices. Complications commonly associated with short-term assist devices include bleeding and malpositioning, whereas long-term devices such as LVADs may be associated with infection, pump thrombosis, and cannula malfunction, as well as bleeding. CT is also commonly performed for preoperative planning before LVAD or TAH explantation, replacement of a device or one of its components, and cardiac transplantation. Online supplemental material is available for this article. (C) RSNA, 2015″
“P2X receptors are trimeric, ATP-gated cation channels. In mammals seven P2X subtypes have been reported (P2X1-P2X7), as well as several variants generated by alternative splicing. Variants confer to the homomeric or heteromeric channels distinct functional and/or pharmacological properties.

“An efficient method to rapidly synthesize 3-deoxy-D-manno

“An efficient method to rapidly synthesize 3-deoxy-D-manno-2-octulosonic acid (Kdo) and its derivatives in large scale has been developed. Starting from D-mannose,

the di-O-isopropylidene derivative of Kdo ethyl ester was prepared in three steps on a scale of more than 40 g in one batch in an overall yield of 75-80% without any intermediate purification. Kdo, Kdo glycal, and 2-acetylated Kdo ester were synthesized quickly in high yield from a di-O-isopropylidene derivative of Kdo ethyl ester. 2-Deoxy-beta-Kdo ester was obtained with high stereoselectivity via the epimerization of the alpha-isomer using t-BuOH as a proton source.”
“Cortical Go 6983 datasheet spreading depolarizations occur spontaneously after ischaemic, haemorrhagic and traumatic brain injury. Their effects vary spatially and temporally as graded phenomena, from infarction to complete recovery, and are reflected in the duration of depolarization measured by the negative direct current shift of electrocorticographic recordings. In the focal ischaemic penumbra, peri-infarct depolarizations have prolonged direct current shifts and cause progressive recruitment

of the penumbra into the core infarct. In traumatic brain injury, the effects of spreading depolarizations are unknown, although prolonged events have not been observed in animal models. To determine whether detrimental penumbral-type depolarizations occur in human brain trauma, we analysed electrocorticographic recordings obtained by subdural electrode-strip Veliparib cell line monitoring during intensive care. Of 53 patients studied, 10 exhibited spreading depolarizations in an electrophysiologic penumbra (i.e. isoelectric cortex with no spontaneous activity). All 10 patients (100%) with isoelectric spreading depolarizations had poor outcomes, defined as death, vegetative state, or severe disability at 6 months. In contrast, poor outcomes were observed in 60% of patients (12/20)

who had spreading depolarizations with depression of spontaneous activity and only 26% of patients (6/23) who had no depolarizations (chi(2), P < 0.001). Spontaneous electrocorticographic activity and direct current shifts of depolarizations were further examined in nine patients. Direct current shift durations (n = 295) were distributed with a significant positive skew (range 0:51-16:19 min:s), evidencing a normally distributed group of short events and a sub-group of prolonged events. Prolonged direct current shifts were more commonly associated with isoelectric depolarizations (median 2 min 36 s), whereas shorter depolarizations occurred with depression of spontaneous activity (median 2 min 10 s; P < 0.001). In the latter group, direct current shift durations correlated with electrocorticographic depression periods, and were longer when preceded by periodic epileptiform discharges than by continuous delta (0.5-4.0 Hz) or higher frequency activity. Prolonged direct current shifts (> 3 min) also occurred mainly within temporal clusters of events.